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Plant Health Care

New Leaf Tree Services Inc provides plant health care services tailored to help your plants thrive.

We offer a full range of treatments for soil, insect, fungal, and environmental issues that can affect trees and plants health. We intentionally utilize practices that strengthen a plants ability to defend itself, repair damage, all while supporting the surrounding ecosystem whenever possible.



Pest Management

Our IPM strategy focuses on long-term prevention of pests or management of their damage through a combination of techniques intended to naturally control pest populations. Our intention is to utilize the safest option to both the plant and the community it inhabits.


Our methods for naturally controlling pest populations include: pruning, trunk wraps, nutrient applications, soil remediation and aeration, mulching, monitoring and trapping.


Examples of IPM programs: pruning to lessen chances of fungal outbreaks in ornamentals; trunk wraps to limit spongy moth activity in oaks; mulching and soil amending to increase moisture levels and available nutrients around stressed trees.

Pesticide Applications

Pesticide Applications

Certain aggressive and invasive pests in our area have no other viable means of control so pesticide treatment is necessary to preserve a healthy tree and promote long term health and survival. We are dedicated to utilizing safe practices regarding pesticides, and when possible we use only the least invasive approaches to protect the tree and the environment it inhabits. 


In situations where pesticide use is warranted, we offer tree injections, basal trunk sprays, and soil drench/ injection services.


Examples of pesticide applications: Trunk injections of ash trees for Emerald Ash Borer Beetle; basal trunk sprays of hemlocks for Hemlock Woolly Adelgid and Hemlock Scale; Trunk injections of elm trees for Dutch Elm Disease; Trunk injections and soil drenches of spruce trees for various fungal and insect infestations.

Diagnostic Services

Testing & Diagnostic Services

When necessary, we work with the plant pathology lab at the University of Massachusetts to confirm a diagnosis or to gather more information about a given tree or shrub. We handle all sample gathering and submission and assist in interpreting the results and forming a plan of action with treatment options.

We also use UMASS for our soil health analysis reports. These provide a detailed analysis of soil structure and profile, along with recommendations for long term management. 


Examples of symptoms that would benefit from a soil analysis: gradual defoliation of plant material; wilting of leaves or flowers; reduction in fruit production; increase in epicormic shoots and water sprouts; rapid tree decline / death.


Examples of tree samples we submit for analysis: elm material to test for Dutch Elm Disease or other elm diseases; spruce material to test for fungal and insect pathogens; any condition we are concerned with and are looking to gather more information on prior to prescribing treatment.

stewardship services

Stewardship Services


New Leaf Tree Services Inc provides plant health care services tailored to help your plants thrive. We offer a full range of treatments for soil, insect, fungal, and environmental issues that can effect trees and plants health. We intentionally utilize practices that strengthen a plants ability to defend itself, repair damage, all while supporting the surrounding ecosystem whenever possible.



Routine landscape site visits: During our initial meeting, we will share our observations of your property, discuss areas of concern, and recommendations to address them. Afterward, we will conduct bi-weekly to monthly visit, monitoring the health of your trees and landscape. This will allow us to observe your plant development and to address changes in its health before severe damage is inflicted.


Plant assessment reports and recommendations: After each site visit, we will provide a report detailing our findings and any important changes to the landscape we observed. We will also include recommendations for any services that would be beneficial.

Tree Risk Assessment: As part of our stewardship services, we offer annual tree inspections to evaluate risk and recommend appropriate remediation when necessary. We are also available throughout the year address storm damage, or to assist in managing construction projects in order to mitigating tree root damage.


Structural pruning of young trees: We offer yearly or bi-yearly pruning of young trees to encourage proper structural form and branch formation. Trees with a dominant central leader and well-spaced laterally branches are more resilient to ice storms, high winds, or other hazardous natural events.

Interested in Plant Health Care?

Please fill out our site visit form to begin your plant health care journey today!

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